Coweta commissioners amend audited budget


It was essentially a matter of housekeeping May 4 as Coweta County commissioners approved an amendment to the county’s audited FY 2009 General Fund budget that totaled $64.5 million.

The final budget amendment included an adjusted General Fund total of $64.518 million based on an amendment of $1.621 million, leaving a fund balance of $3.181 million. The mid-year budget totaled $62.897 million with adjusted expenses of $61.337 million.

Also included in the approval were amendments to the Fire Fund, E911 Fund, Hotel/Motel Fund and Sheriff’s Fund budgets.

County Support Services Division Director Kelly Mickle in a March 29 memo to commissioners noted that the revenue and expenditures for 2009 are complete and have been audited. Cost savings in certain departments, along with excess revenues, allowed the county to absorb the excess expense in he departments that were over-budget, Mickle said.