Donation helps foundation fund 21st Century classroom equipment


Thanks to a $2,000 donation from Global Aviation Holdings, Inc. in Peachtree City, four teachers are receiving grants from the Fayette County Education Foundation to purchase SMART Boards for their classrooms this spring.

A total of 18 teachers across all grade levels submitted competitive applications earlier this school year for grants to install the interactive learning boards in their rooms. Applicants submitted essays explaining why they wanted the boards, how they would utilize them with their students and sample lesson plans.

The foundation has equipped a total of five classrooms with SMART Boards so far: two elementary schools, one middle school and two high schools. Vickie Anderson, an eighth grade reading and math teacher at Fayette Middle, was the first recipient this past fall.

During the second round of competition, and thanks to the donation from Global Aviation, the foundation awarded four additional grants to Catherine Douthard, fifth grade, Cleveland Elementary; Mark Henderson, math, Starr’s Mill High; Tess Keller, technology, Inman Elementary; and Arthur Walton, math, McIntosh High.