Statewide fishing events for kids


Fishing together with your child and family can build some powerful memories.

Don’t know how to fish? No problem.

There are plenty of on-site volunteers providing assistance at the many statewide kids fishing events scheduled this spring and summer, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.

“You could be the one that introduces a love for fishing for your child, and even if you or they have never fishing before, they are sure to discover the joys of fishing at a kids fishing event,” said John Biagi, chief of fisheries management. “These events take place in locations where kids are likely to catch fish and are surrounded by people with like-minded interests, which help reinforce the positive experience.”

Research shows that most people are introduced to fishing by a family member, and most consider a family member to be their best fishing friend.

Kids fishing events are sponsored across the state and provide fishing lessons to both children (under age 16) and parents from knowledgeable instructors. The Wildlife Resources Division co-sponsors many events by providing channel catfish or trout to improve fishing, educational materials for participants and guidance for sponsors.

How do you find more information or local events? Visit Here you will find tips on fishing with kids, recommended places to go fish with children, a “kid’s first fish certificate,” and a link to a calendar where you can find local events.

For more information on fishing in Georgia, visit