Help military families during holiday time


This month we celebrated Veterans Day, a day set aside to acknowledge the price some have paid for all of us, and to say thank you for the sacrifices they have made on behalf of all of us. When those brave men and women take their oath, there is nothing in it that says they will make that sacrifice in exchange for a lifetime of adulation or reward. They are serving a higher purpose, and that’s all the reward they need.

But their families don’t take that oath. And while their loved ones benefit from the freedoms our soldiers preserve, they pay a very high price for it, and they also deserve our thanks and appreciation. To that end, in November, we celebrate Military Family Appreciation Month.

I like to think that we are all a part of their extended family, coming together in their time of need, to make sure that that the sacrifices they are already making aren’t compounded by their inability to provide for their children. While soldiering is a noble profession, our young soldiers will never get rich from it, and most struggle to make ends meet. Couple that with the fact that many return to lives of uncertainty and unemployment due to war wounds that for some will never heal.

Please help Embracing Military Families show these deserving families that, we their extended family, are with them this Christmas. There are several ways that you can show your support. There are toy boxes in several locations.

A special thank you to Massage Envy, Peachtree City School of Dance, all three World Gym locations, Mimi’s Good Food, The Fayette County Republican Headquarters and YKnot Sports Bar for providing a space for the boxes at their locations. There are also opportunities to adopt entire families.

Please let me know if you would like to adopt a family. If you are interested in making a donation, you can make your check out to Embracing Military Families and mail it to 202 Panstone Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269.

And lastly, this year, we are partnering with Brooks United Methodist Church and their “Catch the Christmas Spirit with Alternative Giving” event to be held on Nov. 22 at Ga. Highway 85 Connector / 119 Morgan Mill Rd. in Brooks from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be food, live music and babysitting, as well as fair trade gifts from all over the world. For more information, call 770-719-7593.

Thank you so much for your continued generosity and for being a part of our extended military family! God bless!

Cathy McMullen
Founder, Embracing Military Families
Peachtree City, Ga.