Ga. college savings plan offers newborn sweepstakes prize


As tax season once again comes to a close, Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan officially kicked-off its annual statewide Newborn Sweepstakes, where one baby born in Georgia this year will receive $5,529 toward his/her college savings. The hospital where the baby is born will also receive $1,529.

“Tax season is a great time for families to look at their financial situation and determine how they can better financially prepare for their future,” said Mitch Seabaugh, executive director of the Path2College 529 Plan. “And, other than retirement, one of the most significant costs families face is paying for continued education.”

Parents, grandparents and guardians of Georgia babies born in 2014 may go to until April 14, 2015, to enter for a chance to win the Newborn Sweepstakes. Entrants must be legal residents or taxpayers to Georgia and at least 18 years of age to enter. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

Seabaugh said that no matter what a child’s age, now is the time to start saving.

“No matter how young or old—it’s never too early or too late to save,” said Seabaugh. “We hope that when new parents and grandparents go online to enter the Newborn Sweepstakes, they will be inspired to think about their financial situation and open or contribute to a Path2College 529 Plan.”