Radio talk show host warns of global Islamic agenda


More than 130 people filled the meeting room at The Carnegie in Newnan July 12 to hear radio talk show host and former pastor Dr. Jody Hice explain that Islam, far from being only a religion, is actually a totalitarian way of life that stands in opposition to the freedoms guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

From one perspective and to some Muslims, said “Let Freedom Ring” radio show host Jody Hice, Islam is a religion where Allah is worshiped. But Islam is much more than a religion. It is a complete way of life that encompasses financial, judicial (through Sharia law), political, military and religious aspects of life, he said. That way of life, said Hice, stands in diametric opposition to the American belief in human rights based on Judeo-Christian concepts and the U.S. Constitution.

“Most people think Islam is a religion, It’s not. It’s a totalitarian way of life with a religious component. But it’s much larger. It’s a geo-political system that has governmental, financial, military, legal and religious components. And it’s a totalitarian system that encompasses every aspect of life and it should not be protected (under U.S. law),” Hice said.

Hice maintained that the civil liberties of Americans are jeopardized by the legal framework of Sharia law, citing examples of that legal system as one that permits honor killings, beheadings and female genital mutilation. He referenced 19 current cases dealing with Sharia law in 12 U.S. states.

“This is not a tolerant, peaceful religion even though some Muslims are peaceful. Radical Muslims believe that Sharia is required by God and must be imposed worldwide. It’s a movement to take over the world by force. A global caliphate is the objective,” said Hice.

“That’s why Islam would not qualify for First Amendment protection since it’s a geopolitical system,” Hice continued. “This is a huge thing to realize and I hope you do. This will impact our lives if we don’t get a handle on it.”

As examples, Hice cited accepted Islamic practices such as honor killings, decapitations, women being stoned for being accused or found guilty of adultery and men’s testimonies in court counting twice.

“These things are in no way compatible with the U.S. Constitution,” said Hice. “Islam and the Constitution are oceans apart.

Broadening the conversation pertaining to the potential introduction of Sharia law and other aspects of global Islam into the United States, Hice said there are 200 Islamic organizations in the United States that answer directly to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“It’s about controlling your behavior, when and where you can worship and legal issues. The number one threat is to our worldview and whether we chunk it for secularism or Islam,” Hice said. “So get involved and stay involved. Hold elected officials accountable and pray for our country.”

The June 12 event was sponsored by the Coweta County Tea Party Patriots.

A previous appearance by Hice came in April at the American Family Summit in Fayette County sponsored by the South Atlanta Tea Party Patriots.
Hice received a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta.

According to his website, Hice served as Senior Pastor of Bethlehem First Baptist Church, in Bethlehem, Georgia from 1998 to 2010. In addition, he served as First Vice President of the Georgia Baptist Convention (2004-05) and Professor of Preaching at Luther Rice Seminary. Rice currently serves as President of Ten Commandments – Georgia, Inc., and Let Freedom Ring Ministries, Inc. He hosts a daily radio program entitled “The Jody Hice Show,” an outreach of LFR Ministries, a program dedicated to informing listeners of moral, Constitutional and religious liberty issues facing our nation. Hice is also the chairman of Peach Tea PAC, a political action committee dedicated to electing Christian leaders who are deeply committed to the Constitution, life, marriage, and other conservative values, the website said.