Fayette County NAACP Youth Council Meetings are held every fourth Sunday at the Olivet Church of Christ, 877 Highway 314 North in Fayetteville at 4 p.m. The purpose of the Youth Council is to inform youth between the ages of 13 and 25, of their rights as citizens; how to advance their economic, educational, social, […]
If you still can’t figure out your iPad or just don’t feel like you’re getting the most use out of it, this is the class for you! The world of iPads can be confusing since they don’t navigate similarly to the computers we often use. When using the Apple system, there are many differences, but […]
A support group for men with prostate cancer and their families meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. The group, which is intended to share information and enhance prostate cancer understanding, meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Thomas F. Chapman Family Cancer Wellness Center at Piedmont Fayette Hospital. Call […]
1 Million Cups (1MC) is a national program designed for entrepreneurs to share their businesses and challenges with a supportive, community-driven audience. It’s an opportunity to showcase what you’re working on, get valuable feedback, and connect with like-minded individuals who are all about helping each other grow.
Staying active as we age should not be so daunting. Keeping the right mindset and motivation is key. Dr. Nadria Lyn, ER Doctor and Certified Health and Life Coach, guides us in discussing the power of movement and staying active at any age. Designed especially for seniors who want to maintain vitality, independence, and joy […]
Birdwatching can be a fun and exciting hobby and Michael Turner, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited, will share his secrets to attracting birds. Learn about the bird activity around Peachtree City as well as a variety of information on feeders, food options, and different things that may attract gorgeous birds to your own backyard. This […]
FOSTER CARE INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS are held every Thursday at 10 a.m. at Bloom Our Youth, 150 Marquis Dr., Fayetteville. Get your foster parenting questions answered at this free, no-commitment, casual, meeting. Speak directly with Bloom associates about the requirements and journey to becoming a Bloom foster family. For more information, contact Shannon Hoy at s.hoy@bloomouryouth.org […]