"A Tuna Christmas" opens December 5 at Southside Theatre Guild. Written by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard, and originally produced by Charles H. Duggan, "A Tuna Christmas" takes place in the made-up town of Tuna, Texas, where two men, Aries Struvie and Thurston Wheeler, run a local radio station. It's Christmas time in Tuna […]
Christmas with the Southern Crescent Chorale is a holiday tradition in our community and is a delightful way to begin your holiday season. Joined by the Whitewater High School Chorale on Friday evening and Starr's Mill High School Chanticleer on Sunday afternoon, the Chorale will perform a concert of cherished Christmas favorites accompanied by a […]
SANTA RUN, Saturdays, December 7, 14, and 21, and Sundays, Dec. 8, 15, and 22, various times, Peachtree City. Don’t forget to watch for Santa visiting Peachtree City atop one of the Peachtree City Volunteer Fire Department trucks. The Santa Run will make its rounds throughout the city on Saturdays and Sundays in December, leading […]