Banner Sizes

Banner Ads
Preferred = 300×250 + 1068×90
The 300×250 appears on every page of the site, within stories, and on the mobile site. The 1068×90 appears on the footer of each page of the site.
Silver = Preferred + 300×600
The 300×600 appears on every page of the site. The 300×250 and the 300×600 appear prominently on the mobile site.
Gold = Silver + Billboard Ad
The 970×250 billboard appears on the top of every page of the site on the desktop version.
Platinum Package = Gold Package + Exclusivity In Your Category
All banner ads on all platforms — mobile, desktop, and tablets plus exclusivity in your category, as available. This package requires a minimum six-month contract.
Ask about discount rates for banners running for 90 days or indefinitely.
Are you interested in advertising with us? Please fill out this application with the advertising package that you’re interested in. We’ll design your web ads and reach out to you for approval when done.