MLK Day parade and presentation, Jan. 16


Themed, “Affirming America’s Promise, Equality and Justice for All” the Fayette County Branch of the NAACP in partnership with the Fayette County Board of Education will present the 8th annual parade and subsequent 12th annual commemorative program in celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Holiday on Monday, Jan. 16.

The Fayette County Branch invites the community; churches, fraternities, sororities, organizations and businesses to participate in the parade. Parade participants can secure a Parade Entry Form or register online by accessing the branch’s website,

At a nominal cost, a pre-parade breakfast will be served from 9-10 a.m. in the Lafayette Center Cafeteria. The parade will start from the Fayette County High School parking lot at 10 a.m. The keynote speaker will be Rev. BeSean Jackson, pastor and organizer of Fellowship of Love Church in Fayetteville, Ga.