Thieves target 25-year-old Chevy for specific interior parts


Entering auto incidents are often crimes of opportunity where the thief spots something of value in a vehicle and opens an unlocked door or breaks a window to steal the item. That was certainly not the case on Sept. 20 in north Fayette County.

Deputies were dispatched to a location on Ga. Highway 85 North to an entering auto incident involving a 1996 Chevrolet Impala, but what they found was far from the customary theft of a purse, cell phone, computer or handgun.

Deputies reported that a forced entry had occurred with two specific items stolen. Sheriff Barry Babb said the two items included the center console and the car’s dashboard.

In another incident, Tyrone police on Sept. 20 responded to a burglary at a residence on Briarwood Road.

Tyrone Police Department spokesman Philip Nelson said the resident left home at 8:45 a.m. and returned at 5:35 p.m., and found a door kicked open and various items of jewelry stolen.