Former Judge Edwards nominates Rhonda Kreuziger to be his successor


Nomination of Judge Rhonda Kreuziger to Superior Court judgeship vacated by Christopher C. Edwards

Dear Mr. Russo and Judicial Nominating Commission: My circuit has come a long way in the last few years through the efforts of many, to follow the law, the Uniform Rules, normative practices, and to set high standards. I enthusiastically nominate Rhonda Kreuziger as my successor to the oldest seat on the Griffin Judicial Circuit Superior Court, to best continue my circuit’s progress.

Although Rhonda’s appointment will break two historic barriers to entry upon the Superior Court bench in this Circuit, Rhonda has earned the honor on her great merit. As a former practicing scientist, Rhonda’s analytic methodical thought is needed to help lead my Circuit into the future. Rhonda has proven in her advocacy as a trial lawyer, and as a judge, that she understands trial courts to have the duty to follow the law, not to set policy contrary to law.

Rhonda will be welcomed as a new Superior Court judge and well supported as a candidate for re-election. All five Superior Court judges unanimously appointed her Juvenile Court Judge in 2020, based on her excellent work as a municipal judge, assistant district attorney, criminal defense lawyer, family lawyer, and guardian ad !item.

I speak only for myself, but I know she will fit right into the bench with our four other excellent judges. I have heard only praise of her performance in all her roles as trial lawyer and as judge. I have never heard a negative word about Rhonda. I have only heard many positive comments including from judges, attorneys, and the public.

<b>Fayette Juvenile Judge Rhonda Kreuziger. Photo/Submitted.</b>
Fayette Juvenile Judge Rhonda Kreuziger. Photo/Submitted.

For example, when she lost a case as a practitioner, many observe that Rhonda not only remained professional but remains cheerful. Her judicial temperament will be excellent. She has the respect of the trial bar as a skilled principled trial lawyer. Superior Court judge is not a position for on-the-job training. Her depth of jury trial experience qualifies her to immediately conduct a murder jury trial or divorce jury trial.

Superior Court is mostly criminal and domestic. Rhonda has mastered both practice areas, and not only in hearings and bench trials. I have personally observed Rhonda’s performance as a jury trial lawyer in both criminal and civil cases to be topflight. She is a quick study and adroit thinking on her feet. She has the integrity, self-motivated diligence, analytic and verbal intelligence, emotional intelligence,jury trial skills, and practical knowledge, required to be highly respected intellectually and ethically as a Superior Court judge.

Rhonda is an engaged public servant at heart, and I know she will continue to expand judicial community outreach efforts. Her appointment will greatly enhance public confidence in our judiciary in many ways.

Please help my circuit continue to advance. If you have any questions or would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Christopher C. Edwards

[Edwards is the former chief judge of the Griffin Judicial Circuit. He resigned in March of this year after 22 years to go back to his first love, jury trial lawyer. His practice is in Griffin.]