Allen: Come to PTC Village Plan update


Peachtree City was chartered in 1959. The original vision was “a complete, well-designed and self-contained unit of human settlement” … a planned community.

Some of the goals of this original vision have been retained; other goals have changed over the first 50 years of our city. What goals will be retained and which ones will be changed over the next 50 years?

Peachtree City’s village concept plan has been, and will continue to be, a key component of our sustainable village plan and model. It is and, will continue to be, one the key components that gives Peachtree City its uniqueness and charm.

The village concept plan is based upon the local neighborhood concept. We can walk, bike or drive a golf cart to our village retail center versus driving a car as our primary means of transportation. And, of course, our golf cart paths (multi purpose paths) are key to Peachtree City’s village concept plan.

The Development Authority of Peachtree City (DAPC) will be presenting to the residents of Peachtree City their village retail plan for the next 50 years. This plan was developed in cooperation with Peachtree City, Georgia Tech University, local organizations and individuals.

The proposed date for this presentation is Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011 at Peachtree City’s City Hall. DAPC will be inviting all members of the Peachtree City Council, all Peachtree City residents and businesses. Come and see the plan and give your input for Peachtree City’s next 50 years.

In addition, DAPC has proposed holding annual business revenue growth workshops, which I support. I believe these workshops would be beneficial to growing our new business revenues for Peachtree City. Please join others and me in supporting DAPC and these new business revenue growth efforts.

Steve Allen

Candidate for City Council Post 1

Peachtree City, Ga.