Beware of what the Democrats didn’t say

Tyrone K. Jones, Sr., Chairman of the Fayette Republican Party
Tyrone K. Jones, Sr., Chairman of the Fayette Republican Party

For four consecutive days, August 17-21, the Democrat Party played with the minds and emotions of the American people. Every minute of every hour of their virtual convention was driven by an agenda filled with negativity and animosity.

Rather than tell us their plans for this nation, they spent all their time blaming Trump and his administration of the very things they were/are guilty of as individuals and an organization.

The Democrats railed against President Trump and blamed him for everything they could concoct in their moments of self-loathing. They could not bring themselves to give President Trump any credit for any of the progress of this nation while he has been president. Their efforts to make American voters believe that President Trump has been a total and complete failure is disingenuous and mind numbing.

The people of this nation were not blind to their actions of the last four years as the Democrats harassed this President from the day he was elected right up and through the four days of this Democrat convention.

The Democrats speaking during this virtual convention acted as if they believe the American people didn’t pay attention to their vicious accusations and baseless investigations: the Kavanuagh hearings, Russian collusion investigations, and their ceremonial “made for TV production,” a.k.a. the impeachment proceedings. All of which were designed to hinder President Trump’s efforts to lead and protect the country.

Well, despite all these contrived obstructions and fabricated obstacles, this President has implemented domestic and foreign policy changes during his first term that have made this country safe, strong, and prosperous.

President Trump took actions to roll back regulations so industry could prosper which created the lowest unemployment rate, for every demographic group, in decades. He grew and strengthened our military, prevented wars, destroyed ISIS, made us energy independent, removed the Obamacare penalty tax, and so much more.

For the past four days and nights we heard these words repeatedly: love, empathy, unity, decency, respect, Covid death totals, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But, what they did not want to talk about:

• The millions of aborted babies who never got a chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness … rights given to us by God.

• The looting, riots, and murder of men, women and children in Democrat-led cities.

• The attack on our country’s history and culture.

• Violent assaults on men and women of law enforcement.

• China’s role in creating the pandemic and their quest to surpass the U.S. as the economic and military leader of the free world.

• That in America, “All Lives Matter.” Something that they are all to scared to say despite taking an oath to defend and protect all American citizens.

Warning! Beware of what they are not saying. During the convention the Biden-Harris campaign platform was never revealed. When you take the time to review it, what you will come to know is this: If Trump is not reelected, come 2021 and beyond, you and I will be living in the “United Socialist States of America.”

Remember, even though they constantly refer to America as a “democracy,” this is totally wrong. America is a constitutional republic, and it is worth fighting for!

In closing, I am compelled to say that the stakes are very high in this election. As you decide whom you will support in this election make an informed choice. Make a choice based on what you know to be the facts, not the fear mongering and lofty “pie in the sky” promises.

Tyrone K. Jones

Chairman, Fayette County Republican Party

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Uncle Tyrone – I’ve already fashioned the beginning of your next letter to the Citizen because I know how you and your party stand for fairness and objectivity:

    “For four consecutive days, August 24-27, the Republican Party played with the minds and emotions of the American people. Every minute of every hour of their virtual convention was driven by an agenda filled with negativity and animosity.

    Rather than tell us their plans for this nation, they spent all their time blaming Joe Biden (a man out of government for the last four years) of the very things they were/are guilty of as individuals and an organization.”

    Tyrone – you take it from here. I know that you will ensure a balanced view; you always do!

  2. Amid all of this varnished recitation of presidential actions during the last 4 years (and glaring omissions of missteps), Mr. Jones is right about one thing. This election is a referendum on Donald Trump.

    The Democrats could run anyone against him because the only real decision is if you want another dose of Trump or not. His grandiosity is impossible to ignore. The GOP that once believed in Reagan policies such as free trade, deficit reduction, aversion to Russian, etc. has become a personality cult of their orange savior. Prevarications have become alternate facts; promises (“I’ll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it”) have been roundly ignored; policies (“I’ll make a better deal with Iran”) aren’t even considered seriously. No serious Republican would ever make such claims before 2016.

    I echo Mr. Jones’ conclusion: “I am compelled to say that the stakes are very high in this election. As you decide whom you will support in this election, make an informed choice. Make a choice based on what you know to be the facts.”

    If you can stomach another four years of this malignant narcissist, go for it. If you want the Republican Party to return to principle and sanity, good luck!

    • So, now you are telling a black man that he does not know that his life has been treated as less than? That comment might be satire and I’m missing it but if it is not satire then these responses only continue to prove who are the real ones with racial issues as they remind this black man that he does not know what its like to be a black man! Good thing you libs are there to save him from himself and educate him as you were educated in your white privileged life. Unbelievable…

  3. “That in America, “All Lives Matter.” Something that they are all to scared to say despite taking an oath to defend and protect all American citizens.” It’s not that all lives don’t matter it that black lives have not been treated with the same value that white lives have, it’s saying that black lives matter just as much as any other life.