Commission counts bees ahead of budget wreck


Our county is headed for a train wreck and our elected commissioners can’t seem to get anything done to prevent or even recognize it. The last workshop held June 1, the commission debated/discussed and argued for 40 minutes and could not agree on how many honeybees a resident could have in their front or back yard.

With all the many things that are affecting this county and its citizens, one would think the commission could get their act together. But, no, they can’t seem to agree on anything, not even bees.

The county’s budget is in trouble with lower taxes being collected and expenses continuing to rise. We will soon be taxed on the amount of rain that runs off our property (should we get rain again) and the 911 fees will be based on the value of your property. Does it cost more for emergency responders to go to high value homes? The county is desperate to find more sources of revenue but not so inclined to cut the budget.

County records show we have $58.3 million in the bank from the last SPLOST. This money could go a long, long way to relieve the county’s financial troubles. This tax money is slated to be used on very controversial and mostly unneeded projects. The 2003 SPLOST was presented to the voters as a transportation improvement tax, but has turned the county into turmoil with the east and west bypass issue. No one, except the left-over commissioners and developers see either as an improvement to traffic.

Fayette County now has a legal way to divert this $58 million to do some REAL good for the citizens. House bill 240 was recently signed by Gov. Deal. This law allows counties, with voter approval, to re-direct SPLOST funds to other debt or projects NOT on the original ballot. What a windfall this money would be for us to bring our debt down (Justice Center) and make improvements that are really needed.

I urge all concerned citizens to let your county commissioners know what you think their actions should be. Oh, by the way, do it soon because they are now considering taking away your right to speak at the meetings or make you wait until after they have decided an issue.

The commissioners want our “feedback,” not our input! After all, we are just “venting,” as one commissioner recently stated.

Donald Fowler

Fayetteville, Ga.