MacDuff path, tree permits up for debate


The proposed alignment of a cart path that will connect to the tunnel underneath MacDuff Parkway will be one of the topics hashed out Tuesday at a workshop meeting of the Peachtree City Council.

Council also will be presented staff’s recommendation for amendments to the city’s tree removal permit process, and also the process of updating the city’s comprehensive plan.

The meeting will be held at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 7. The city’s Planning Commission is also slated to take part in the discussions.

The MacDuff tunnel has gone unused as the connections have yet to be made proceeding east from the tunnel toward the commercial area along Ga. Highway 54 West. Part of the delay has been due to negotiations with the owner of Camden Apartments because part of its parcel is needed to accommodate the new path.

Once the new cart path connections are completed, carts will no longer have to cross MacDuff Parkway at grade to reach the area.

As for the tree removal permits, there has been some concern that the exercise is just that, and has no real affect on lowering the amount of trees removed in the city.

More than 39,000 trees have been cut down in the city since 2004 when the city adopted its tree removal process. The permitting process does not keep track of how many, if any, trees are re-planted to replace the removed trees, officials have said.

Each tree removal permit requires the city’s two code enforcement officers to document how many trees are removed on a given parcel.