PTC to purge council recordings after 1 year?


Audio recordings of Peachtree City Council meetings would be destroyed after one year, according to a policy change recommended by city staff.

The policy change would clarify that the adopted minutes of the meeting will serve as the city’s official record of the meeting.

The change will be considered by council at its regular meeting Thursday at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

Earlier this year, the council used a recording of a previous meeting to correct an error in the minutes from that meeting.

The city also will be hanging onto its audio recordings of municipal court for two years.

Council also is expected to adopt a records retention schedule which outlines how long the city will maintain certain records, ranging from golf cart decal applications to zoning documents and police records.

Generally the city follows the records retention schedule published by the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. But the ordinance suggested by staff would extend the retention timeframe for a number of documents.

For example, there are certain police documents that need to be held longer than the recommended two years for purposes of accreditation, said city spokesperson Betsy Tyler.

In quite a few cases, some city records will be maintained on file permanently such as employment contracts, performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, zoning decisions and certificates of occupancy.