Breast cancer survivor: Who gets the ‘Walk for the Cure’ money?


Since I am a breast cancer survivor I feel that I have every right to express my opinions about the money that is raised for a cure for breast cancer.

I have noticed that every day on Channel 5 there is an ad for the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure asking for participants, join now and get your money in for the walk.

My mind is kinda old, so I thought Why are they still advertising for an event that has already happened?

So I called the number on the TV screen, and the lady who answered the phone was so upbeat. I said, “When is the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure in Atlanta?”

She said, “Oh, let me, check, that is in October.”

I said, “Wow, I thought it was already held just a few days ago,” and she said, “No, I am sure that was another event.” So my next line to her was, “So you are still advertising for the walk already held; are you just getting more money for the drug companies, is that your goal?”

She said, “[Expletive] you,” and hung up on me.

The walk in Atlanta at Atlantic Station was May 7, 2011. Look it up on your computer.

Now all you women out there who are walking for the cure thinking you are doing something great for women who have or have had breast cancer need to wake up. Why do you think thousands of dollars are being used to advertise an even that has already happened? And where do you think the money that you walk to raise goes?

Do you think maybe it goes to drug companies who research a cure and then when you have breast cancer that same drug company charges you through the nose to provide you with a cure you helped to find?

You see, people, cancer is a big money-maker for drug companies, doctors, hospitals and on and on. Do you think they would ever, ever spend money to find “what causes cancer”? No, indeed, it’s a big, big money-maker and you will find no drug companies working to find a cause. If so, they will disappear from the United States as fakes and frauds.

Remember years ago someone invented a carburetor that would help cars use only 45 mpg, someone bought him out and the carburetor disappeared never to be heard from again. It’s MONEY, and it makes the world go around.

So every time you see thousands being spent for ads for a walk that has already been held for this year, use your brain and you may just wake up and realize that we are all being used as a pawn by drug companies for more money for them to invent the next money-maker for us poor women who are the victims of a horrible disease that kills many, many beautiful women all over the world.

And no one is working for a cause so that our children and grandchildren will not be the victims of this disease.

Thanks for listening and I hope at least a few women will wake up and someone out there will start a walk for the cause.

Not me — I can hardly walk, but someone somewhere will listen and not in my lifetime but maybe in the lifetime of one of my beautiful daughters, someone will.

LeGay Saul

Fayette County, Ga.