‘U2charist’ service set for Jan 30 at Providence


Providence United Methodist Church will present the music of U2 live on Saturday, Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. The term “U2charist” was coined by an Episcopal church; “Eucharist,” meaning “Thanksgiving,” is another term for Holy Communion, so this is a service of U2 music combined with a short message and communion.

Adam Holt, band leader at Providence, explains, “Bono, the lead singer of U2, calls himself a ‘follower of Christ’ so his faith inspires a lot of their music. We’ve used several U2 songs in the Sunday morning contemporary worship service and think it’s a great fit to feature their music for this evening service.”

Though many people may not realize the spiritual meanings in U2 songs, Holt added, “In nearly all of their songs there is a positive message and most of these are even based on Christ’s teachings. They have been a real source of spirituality in music for decades and that is what seems to drive them to continue making music — they truly believe what they sing.”

Senior Minister Warren Huddleston adds, “We thought we’d invite people to get out of the cold, enjoy some coffee and listen to some great music. U2 has had such an amazing humanitarian impact on our world, so we’re excited to offer their music to the community. Providence offers free coffee and childcare for the evening. The café opens at 6 p.m., and children must be signed in to the Providence security system, so plan to arrive early.”

U2 allows the free use of their music at events like these provided any offering collected goes to poverty, AIDS or hunger relief.

Huddleston added, “Anything given as an offering at the service will be sent to Heifer International or UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, organizations which both do great works for those in need.”

The event is free, but tickets are required for entry. Tickets are first come-first serve. Go to www.provumc.com and click on the link or call 770-719-8800.

Providence is at 592 Bernhard Rd. between Redwine Road and Ga. Highway 85 in southern Fayette County.