An open letter to prospective businesses looking at Peachtree City


I write this in hopes that potential entrepreneurs or businesses will overlook the seemingly endless inconsequential soap opera that our current city administration keeps airing out in public. The truth is that our city is, in fact, open for business and despite the anti-business rhetoric espoused by many on The Citizen’s blog, including our mayor, Peachtree City would welcome the opportunity to discuss our merits.

You see, that in a city of relatively affluent, intelligent, and healthy citizens it seems as if it were not for dog leash stipulations, gas powered golf carts, and now walking signs our mayor and council would not be heard, much less seen. As anyone can observe, even the simplest of issues require months of debate, name calling, and eventual legal maneuvering and after all that, nothing is decided.

I ask you to not only to see, but also experience the quiet wooded cart paths that circumnavigate the whole of Peachtree City, the spring blossoming of dogwood, cherry, Bradford pear among stately pines and oaks. The nearly tame waterfowl and wildlife that is free to live in our abundant green space offer pictorial serenity as an escape from the pressures of one’s vocation. The solitude of lakeside benches and grasses are plentiful to observe sunsets on warm days. The lonely sound of a distant nightly freight train passing north or south is likely the sole evening disturbance.

A good many of us fortunate enough to reside here take all of the above for granted and our politicians keep believing they have an obligation to fix that dream of our long-ago founders. They are those who staunchly believe there cannot be too many policemen or firefighters on duty and willingly shortchange recreation for kids in order to feel secure, not to mention curtailing programs designed for our fastest growing segment, seniors.

Those who we have recently elected have forgotten that it was developers that made Peachtree City what is today, and for it to maintain its stature, it will be developers that insure it.

Our city government is slow to realize that its sole recourse in increasing its taxes on residents only serves to enhance our surrounding communities for it is there that most who earn their livelihood here reside.

We ask that our shortcomings be overlooked because our positives far outweigh our childish governmental edicts and occasional tantrums. Should you decide to relocate or establish a business in Peachtree City it is realized that you will likely do so with professional individuals who in the future might just toss their hats into the political ring and provide some much needed adult leadership.

That is certainly not to say that we are void of good and decent leaders now, but being somewhat biased toward the place I call home, a few more good citizens wouldn’t hurt.

Michael L. King

Peachtree City, Ga.