Enough rumors: 1st Presbyterian is not moving


The headline of an Atlanta Journal Constitution article from Aug. 2, 1959 reads, “16,000-Acre Dream City Planned in Peachtree City.” Part of that dream called for grouping homes, stores, schools, and churches around the lake, which was to be the centerpiece of town.

A few years after that AJC article, Peachtree City’s first interdenominational church began and met in the city’s municipal building. In 1966, that church became First Presbyterian Church of Peachtree City and we built our first building in the heart of Peachtree City in 1971 on land donated by the city developers.

Today, Peachtree City is exploring redeveloping the city center. Over the past months, The Citizen has implied through its reporting of rumors that First Presbyterian Church has already come to an agreement to sell its property to the city and that the church will be closing.

None of that is true. This congregation has been a vital part of Peachtree City since its inception and we have no intention of closing or moving out of Peachtree City. The Fayette County Development Authority has approached us about the new city center, but we have not entered into any negotiations with the city concerning property and we do not have an agreement to sell.

Further, First Presbyterian Church is not on the verge of closing. Our membership and participation has seen a steady increase over the last five years. Our church is not only home to an open and affirming, vibrant congregation, but we also host dozens of community groups each week. Our Preschool and Kindergarten is celebrating its 50th year. We have an AA group at the church almost every evening. We host the local PFLAG group, multiple Girl Scout Troops, music groups, and more. Our congregation is actively engaged in giving back to the community through mission, volunteering monthly at the Midwest Food Bank, and so much more.

Our mission since the beginning, has been to be a community church. From our days of meeting in the city’s municipal building to today, when our doors are open daily to various community groups, our mission remains to show God’s love by welcoming everyone and loving our neighbors.

We will continue to do just that, no matter what. If this mission of loving God and loving your neighbor, of welcoming all, and serving your community resonates with you, we would love to have you come and join us. We worship together every Sunday morning at 11, and all are welcome. Come and join us!

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Morgan Hay, pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Peachtree City, Ga.