Fayette elementary schools are powered up for 20th Power Parade


Fayette County elementary students are getting powered up for the Fayette Youth Protection Home’s 20th annual Power Parade. Since 1991, Fayette County school children have raised thousands of dollars to support children their own age who have been the victims of abuse, neglect or other tragic circumstances. Fayette Youth Protection Homes, Inc. (FYPH) provides services for children who have been displaced from their homes. Children are provided housing in a home owned by FYPH in Brooks, Ga. The group also supports a comprehensive, privatized foster care program for children of all ages, and the group operates Gracie’s Closet, a clothing resource for foster care children and children being raised by their grandparents. 

The Power Parade is a walk-a-thon which will be held Mar. 28 through Apr. 1 during physical education classes. Prior to the event participating children will seek donations from family, friends, and neighbors to sponsor their participation in the 2011 event. The 20th anniversary was commemorated with the beginning of two new and wonderful opportunities. 

Event Chairperson, Pam Reid, explained the changes to this year’s event.  “This year’s event kicked off with a poster contest to commemorate the 20th anniversary. This year we had two first place winners; Daniyal Shariff from Cleveland Elementary School and Lucy Little from Peeples Elementary. Their artwork is being used for this year’s Power Parade t-shirts, stickers, website and event poster. This year we also made it convenient for families, friends and neighbors to make their donations right on line though our website, www.fyph.org.”

Over the past 20 years Fayette County school children have raised more than $425,000. As Reid explained, “While we offer exciting prizes for the children and schools that help raise the most funds, the true winners are the children who benefit from the proceeds of this event.  We are hopeful that as we continue to work together and show our love for these children, we can make this the best Power Parade event yet.”

 For more information regarding the Fayette Youth Protection Homes, Inc. or to donate to the 2011 Power Parade, please contact Becky Davenport, Executive Director, at 770-461-7020 or via the groups website at www.fyph.org.