Appalled at Rep. Hank Johnson’s racism


U.S. Representative Hank Johnson, I watched your speech Jan. 1, to Friendship Baptist Church and was appalled at the misinformation you put out there. Obviously, you did no homework. Had you done just a little research you would have discovered that your ideas do not match reality. I don’t live in your district, (thankfully), but as a Georgian, I’m embarrassed at your ignorance and even more so for the people who keep sending you to Washington.

I am personally offended by your racist remarks on white people. No one is trying to take minorities and women back to “their place.” I am proud to be a Trump supporter. I don’t always agree with things he says but he has accomplished more in the two years he has been in office than the last six presidents collectively, and no one talks about the fact that he doesn’t take a salary and is not spending millions on personal vacations at taxpayer expense.

As the President, he deserves the respect of his office. I am well educated, a successful business owner and have never had my hand out to the government. I am not an exception nor am I a millionaire. The majority of Trump supporters are middle to upper income who work hard to make a living and don’t have an expectation for the government to just give them free stuff. The road to success is to get off your butt, W-O-R-K and don’t expect to freeload off someone else’s hard work.

I find it despicable that you would characterize our President as anti-immigration and of the same ilk as Hitler. You should study more history and be more respectful. President Trump is no Hitler. This President is for immigration but, legal immigration. We are a nation of laws and people who come illegally are lawbreakers.

If you support open borders, how many of them are you willing to bring into your home and personally support? I suspect none. I don’t want to support any and I resent having my taxes and other resources being used on these people; especially when we have natural-born citizens who can’t access the same benefits.

Then, there’s sanctuary cities. Leaders and residents of these cities are promoting drugs and sex trafficking that law enforcement is powerless to stop and is costing the lives of our police. It must be that they don’t care unless it’s their loved ones.

Looking out for the best interests of America is not being racist. As a representative of the people who elected you, it’s your primary job. Black Americans are enjoying the lowest unemployment in our nation’s history. Anyone that wants an education has opportunity without playing the “race” card. The economy is growing at a rate that former President Obama said was impossible. Other nations are learning that we are no longer a doormat and if they want to trade with us the terms must be more equitable.

The Democrat Party needs to understand that the people elected Donald Trump to make the very changes we’re seeing. It’s high time the politicians of both parties put aside partisan politics and worked for the good of the country instead of their own party and personal interests. The American people are sick of the childish behaviors.

As former President Obama said, “Elections have consequences. You lost. Get over it.” Do what you’re being paid to do. Look out for the people who elected you to office and stop squandering our monies on made up witch hunts to pursue your agenda.

As to all these “Broken Hearts” that people are dying of, Mr. Johnson, where are the statistics for such a claim? I have been unable to find any. Air has replaced brains. It’s a form of political pollution. We should all wear masks.

Maxine Hunnicutt
Fayetteville, Ga.


  1. Very good statements. Isn’t this the same guy who said Guam would tip over if too many people moved there or something to that affect….lol?

    What the No Trumpsters do not get is this: He’s not a polished politician, he does not say the “right” things, or does the politically correct things. He’s like a good doctor with bad bedside manners. Obama was polished, great orator and could con a con man. But his record speaks for its self…horrible economy, giving billions to foreign countries (Iran, Cuba), selling the U.S. out with an apology tour, Fast and Furious gun run to Mexico, wanting to send taxpayer money to the Paris Agreements,using the FBI and IRS to target his enemies.

    For Trump, even economist have said the job growth and economy was unexpected and best thing in decades. Obama was a world President…Trump has said his responsibility is as an American president.

  2. “I am proud to be a Trump supporter. I don’t always agree with things he says but he has accomplished more in the two years he has been in office than the last six presidents collectively, and no one talks about the fact that he doesn’t take a salary and is not spending millions on personal vacations at taxpayer expense.”

    I just love this overused line that Trumpers use. Most of it is false. In fact, the only truth in that propagandic statement is that you are proud to be a Trump supporter.

    I’d love to know what business this lady runs. I want to make sure I never patronize it.

    • If you do not understand the Electoral College….you do not understand the wisdom the founders of this country had which has kept this country from falling in anarchy. Ideas and pieces of papers like the Constitution and its beliefs is the only thing standing in the way of our freedoms and the socialist movement to violently take over this country..

  3. Ms. Hunnicutt – Please stop watching Fox News. It has muddled your brain. Anyone who believes even half of your assertions could not possibly be in touch with reality. Try BBC America for one week instead of Fox and perhaps you will gain some semblance of rationality.

    Truth is stranger than fiction!