Tell commission we don’t want mass transit


If you have attended a Fayette County Commissioners meeting lately, you’ll know transparency is a real sore spot with the ones we have in power right now.

Commission Chairman Herb Frady has tried several times to silence his detractors. There have been numerous public comments against the West Bypass for the past several commissioners’ meetings. Mr. Frady admonished the audience at the last meeting because they were clapping, of all things.

One of the big issues where we’ve seen almost no transparency is on the subject of mass transit. Ken Steele, mayor of Fayetteville, keeps saying he’s against mass transit in Fayette County, but the guy just keeps voting in favor of it as our representative in the Atlanta Regional Commission. Jack Smith, the old commission chairman, did the exact same thing.

The simple fact they were being so sneaky about how they were voting on the mass transit issue proves to me they were up to no good. It’s like the huge waste of a road called the West Fayetteville Bypass.

We got two good ones on the commission with Allen McCarty and Steve Brown. They are living up to their promises and are opposing the West Fayetteville Bypass and the mass transit buses in our county.

If anybody in Fayette County wants the buses, please move to Union City or East Point as they have plenty of them running on a regular schedule. Of course the MARTA people are always complaining they’re going broke even though it’s in the two wealthiest counties in the entire state.

If Fulton County can’t pay for MARTA, then how are we supposed to pay for those buses in Fayette County?

Did it ever occur to anyone that Fayette County might be the success it is because we don’t have mass transit and everything that goes along with it?

I don’t think anyone in their right mind truly believes Robert Horgan, Herb Frady or Lee Hearn has the slightest chance of winning a re-election bid next year. But the thing worrying me the most is wondering how much damage those three are going to cause before we vote them out.

Go look at the areas with those transit bus stops to our north and see if you want our county to turn in to that kind of mess. What exactly is Robert Horgan, Herb Frady and Lee Hearn’s definition of progress? When it comes to crime, schools and quality of life, I think we are on top now, but they want us to be more like Clayton County and Fulton County.

I hope we can survive the next twelve months.

Ginga Smithfield

Fayette County, Ga.