Triad wins health department project bid


Triad Construction, Inc. has been awarded the contract to construct the new Coweta County Health Department building on Hospital Road. Coweta County commissioners approved the $1.7 million low bid at the Jan. 5 meeting.

Triad was one of 15 bidders whose proposals ranged from Triad’s low of $1,709,900 to a high bid of $2,291,700 by Spark-Grizzard Construction. The bid by Triad showed a 240-day construction period.

The amount of the lowest bid was substantially less than what was expected, said county administrator Theron Gay.

Coweta in late 2009 was awarded a $500,000 state grant for the construction project. The Coweta County Hospital Authority had also agreed to provide $1.5 million for the project.

The board also voted to have Commission Chairman Paul Poole sign all contract documents.