Miss Troup pageants open to young women from Fayette


The Miss Troup County Scholarship Program, Inc. is now searching for young women in the Troup, Heard, Harris, Meriwether, and newly added Muscogee, Carroll, Coweta, and Fayette counties.

This is the 36th annual Miss Troup County Scholarship Pageant and the 16th annual Miss Troup Teen Pageant. Contestants will compete in Private Interview, Physical Fitness, Evening Wear, Talent, and must have a community service platform.

To participate in the Miss Troup County Scholarship Pageant, a young lady must be at least a 17-year-old senior in high school and no older than 24 years of age. To participate in the Miss Troup Teen Scholarship Pageant, a young lady must be at least 13 years of age but no more than 17 and a junior in high school. All pageant contestants are required to live, work, or attend school in Troup, Heard, Harris, Meriwether, Muscogee, Carroll, Coweta, or Fayette counties.

All Miss Troup Teen and Miss Troup County contestants interested in participating in the pageant are required to attend a mandatory orientation meeting to be held on Nov. 7 at the Lagrange/Troup County Chamber of Commerce. Miss Troup Teen contestants meet at 2 p.m. and Miss Troup County contestants meet at 3:30 p.m. During this meeting, contestants will receive additional instructions to help prepare for the pageant that will be held on January 22, 2011. For more details visit www.misstroupcounty.org.

In 2010 awarding more than $10,000 in Scholarships on the local level, the Miss Troup County Scholarship Program ranked second highest in the state of Georgia in the amount of cash scholarships.

This is an excellent opportunity for young women in the surrounding counties to advance their academic careers in order to prepare for the professions of their choice and to make a difference in their communities, maybe even the nation.

The Miss Troup County Scholarship Program Inc. is an official preliminary to the Miss Georgia and Miss America Pageant. Awarding annually over $45 million, The Miss America Organization remains the single largest provider of scholarship assistance to women in the world. The Miss America Organization has given over $200 million in scholarships since the program began.