Thumbs up on greenway


The Coweta County Commission agreed by consensus on Nov. 15 to consider support of a proposed pedestrian and bicycle greenway project in portions of Coweta.

Friends of the Trail Project representative Parks Avery explained the proposed greenway pedestrian/bike trail and linear park project, noting that a number of citizens have formed a committee to study the idea of planning pedestrian and bike paths through Newnan and throughout the county.

Initial steps such as mapping, development of private funding, soliciting a proposal to develop a master plan and meeting with the nonprofit PATH Foundation and the KAIZEN Collaborative in Atlanta have been completed, Avery said.

Avery said KAIZEN has assisted a number of communities and organizations with such projects, having master-planned more than 715 miles of multi-use trails and more than 80 miles of bicycle and pedestrian facilties across the southeast.

Avery cited examples of successfully-implemented projects in other areas of the state and showed the look of those projects in his presentation.

The benefits of such a trail system include health and wellness, economic development, alternative transportation, quality of life and connectivity to population centers, Avery said.

Avery emphasized that imminent domain is not sought to accomplish the project.

Commissioners directed county staff to draft an intergovernmental agreement with Newnan regarding funding for the master plan to be considered at a future meeting.