Voter alienation and this election


Your selection of the Zito and Frank editorials was prophetic. My compliments and keep it up!

I had two pieces on voter alienation in the New York Times in 2013; things have not changed much in three years. Along those lines, I enjoyed two excellent opinion pieces in last week’s Citizen: “The death of elitism” (Zito) and “The left behind have their say” (Frank).

Zito’s column indicates that the electorate is sick and tired of elites in both parties making decisions that hurt the common man/woman. It predicts Trump’s fiery victory, but urges caution, saying “bonfires are dangerous. They can easily burn out of control.”

For his part, Frank correctly states “the worst choice ever is upon us. We are invited to select between a populist demagogue and a liberal royalist”.

Prior to the election, Donald asserted Hillary can’t be believed and Clinton asserted Trump is unqualified. Strangely, the public believes both to be on target.

That is why only 25 percent of us think Trump, the winner of the election but only by a hair in many states, would make a good President. The numbers are nearly as bad for the loser, Hillary, at 33 percent (Gallup, 9-16).

Clearly, Hillary is too calculating and smug, which helped defeat her. But, Donald is too obnoxious and misogynistic, just not enough to lose. What a truly sorry state of affairs in the greatest country on earth.

Meanwhile, during the drawn-out election cycle neither candidate adequately or specifically addressed solutions for the major problems facing our nation. Per Gallup (9-16), these issues are:

1. The economy; 2. dissatisfaction with government; 3. unemployment/jobs; 4. racism; 5. immigration; 6. terrorism.

Clinton and Trump both avoided meaningful discussion of these issues. They just kept repeating talking points, preferring direct or indirect personal attacks to substance and analysis of alternative strategies.

But, despite the contorted and questionable primary process in both parties, who helped to nominate them? Look in the mirror to find out what is truly wrong with our Presidential candidates this year … and be ashamed.

Jack Bernard
Peachtree City, Ga.