GriefShare starts Aug. 10 at FFBC


Fayetteville First Baptist Church will offer a new session of GriefShare, a free, 13-week Bible-based program for those who have lost a loved one, starting Tuesday, Aug. 10,

The class will meet each Tuesday from 6:30-8 p.m. Each class begins with a video followed by group discussion.

The program is open to people of all ages in the community and surrounding areas, whether the loss is recent or in the past. Those who have experienced the loss of a spouse, a child, a parent, a sibling or a close friend, or those who know someone who has, are encouraged to join or bring them to this new session.

“It is so helpful to be with others who can relate and understand the feelings and thoughts you may be having,” said a recent participant. “It was especially helpful to look at grief from God’s perspective.”

Sessions are led by Paul and Mary Ellen Ashworth, Jenny Muller and Gena Turner and meet in Room A-101 in the First Baptist Church Worship Center building at 205 Stonewall Ave., near the Fayette County Courthouse in downtown Fayetteville.

“We understand how your heart aches and we want to help,” a spokesperson said. “Please consider joining us as we begin our journey from mourning to joy, with the Lord’s guidance and with folks who truly understand and care.”

For directions or more information, call Mary Ellen at the church office, 770-461-8378.