Donate to Fayette box turtle fund


Many of you know that I have been very involved with research on the Eastern box turtle.

For the past four years, I have been working with Dr. Diane Day, lecture professor at Clayton State University, to expand that research effort. I believe we have made a lot of progress, especially since Dr. Day has included DNA sampling for the box turtle population. In addition, Dr. Day has started a new effort to protect the overall population with a Head Start Program.

To accomplish the Head Start Program, we are looking for help with funding to support the baby turtles. Each baby will be in the project for two years. The funds will go through the Clayton State University Foundation — Box Turtle Head Start Program, a non-profit foundation.

The funds will be used to build turtle housing to include special Nature Full Spectrum daylight bulbs, heat bulbs, water trays and a multitude of other necessary equipment to raise large numbers of baby turtles to sizes safe for release back to the wild. A general estimate for this part of the Head Start Program is $2,250. Each year there will be a continuing need for food and some equipment repair/replacement. A contingency fund of $1,750 will be needed for veterinary services.

Once the baby turtles have reached a size considered safe for release, they will be placed into acclimation pens on or adjacent to the Ridge Nature Area in Fayetteville. This is a necessary step to assure that the baby turtles learn how to be wild turtles and become accustomed to their new homes. The expense of this is low and includes constructed cages and food/water supply, approximately $400. The entire effort is to support the box turtle population in Fayette County.

A second part of the program will be a streaming video “Turtle Cam.” The antics of baby turtles either feeding or general interaction among themselves will be established on the web. The camera and associated equipment and programing is estimated at $8,000.

If you can help, please send your contribution to: Clayton State University Foundation, 2000 Clayton State Blvd., Morrow, GA 30260. It is important to specify on the memo line that your donation is for the “Box Turtle Headstart Program.” You will receive a letter from the foundation for tax purposes.

One final point: Contributors will receive a monthly newsletter, either by mail or email if you prefer, from May through December. It will include updates on numbers of baby turtles added and special information as it develops. Thank you.

Dennis Chase
Fayetteville, Ga.