Local UDC chapter welcomes new members


When Miss Emmie Lou Pound of Fayetteville overheard a conversation about the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), she said, “My granddaddy fought in that war and I would like to join up with those ladies.” That’s all Linda Robinson of the Frankie Lyle Chapter, UDC needed to hear. She immediately called Miss Emmie and found out that Miss Emmie’s grandfather, Joseph Gilbert Pound, joined the Confederate Army on February 24, 1862 in Talbot County. He served as a Private in Company K, 27th Regiment, Georgia Infantry. Applicants for membership in the UDC must prove their lineage back to a Confederate soldier or sailor. Robinson said that it was fairly easy to document one’s lineage when there are only a few generations between the applicant and the Confederate.

On Friday, July 16 , Miss Emmie was presented with her membership certificate and a gold UDC pin. The spry 100 year old Miss Emmie said that she planned to attend as many monthly chapter meetings as possible. The afternoon was spent with chapter members listening to many interesting stories and events that Miss Emmie had to tell. One of the most interesting stories was the one her grandmother told her about the Yankees riding their horses “right up on my front porch where I was sitting.” Miss Emmie said, “to this day you can still see the hoof marks on the floor”.

Sixteen year old Macy Brown of Newnan became a member in June and is the youngest member of the Frankie Lyle Chapter. She is a fourth generation chapter member. Macy Joined on the record of Joseph McHaney who served in Company D, 2nd Battalion, Alabama Light Artillery.