Fayetteville budget total drops, city taxes will go up

No plans to roll back tax rate, so expect to pay more this year because of higher property value assessments
The Fayetteville City Council passed a $12.3 million budget for 2017. The general fund budget is dropping from $13.7 million in 2016 to $12.3 million in fiscal year 2017. The reason for the big drop, Finance Director Mike Bush said, is the city used more than $1 million to help fund the Hood Avenue road project now under completion.
Despite the budget dropping, Bush announced the city would not be rolling back its millage rate of 3.84. If local governments do not roll back the millage to account for the increased property assessment, three public hearings have to set for the tax increase.
The $12.3 million general fund budget is up $269,000 from Bush’s June budget presentation. The additional funds pay for a new website and re-branding the city, along with reorganizing the police department and adding one administrative staff person.
The total budgets of all funds, including water and sewer and capital projects is $29.298 million, down from $29.4 million in 2016.
In other action, the city approved a $50,000 contract with Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood Incorporated to do the design development process for the city’s wastewater treatment plant. As part of the study, the group will evaluate population projections for Fayetteville, future needs for sewer and a discussion of possibly providing sewer to Tyrone.