McDonough Rd. Baptist plans one-day revival


McDonough Road Baptist Church in Fayetteville is having a “One Day Revival” Sunday, May 1. Services are 10:55 a.m. and 6 p.m. Joel Southerland, executive director, evangelism, North American Mission Board, will be the guest preacher.

 “Joel is a super preacher,” said David L. Chancey, pastor. “He’s been with us before and our people really like him. He’ll bring a relevant message that will be uplifting and helpful.”

Revival is not something that can be calendared, said Chancey.

“Revival is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. As long as God is on His throne, He can choose to send revival anytime and anywhere that His people are prepared for it, but we must join Him in making sure we are applying the principles laid out in 2 Chronicles 7:14, especially regarding humility. Many of us don’t think we need revival. We’re satisfied with the spiritual rut we’re in.”

Great music and great preaching will make for an extra-special day, said Chancey.

McDonough Road Baptist is located at 352 McDonough Road, just past the department of drivers’ services building. Child care is provided. Call 770-460-5423 for more information.