Seminar set for Jan. 9


The Fayette County Public Library is hosting a one-hour public seminar for adults titled “Live Authentically.” It is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 9, at 11 a.m.

The session is designed to help people be true to themselves and discover their true potential. Admission is free.

Professional therapist Musanna Overr will introduce participants to some tools they can use to create change in their own lives and make the most out of every day. She will talk about ways to shed the burdens of the past and let go of blame, and offer practical advice on how to focus on what you can control and stop worrying about what you can’t. Overr will emphasize the importance of being honest with yourself, and making sure that every day includes some peaceful time for yourself.

Overr has worked to help others realize their potential since 1999, when she received her master of arts in psychology from Georgia School of Professional Psychology, and started working at Anchor Hospital as a needs assessment counselor for patients struggling with mental health or substance abuse problems. She followed that with 13 years as director of guidance at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School, where in addition to providing college guidance, facilitating student/parent teacher conferences, and allocating Title I funds, she also served as a family therapist whenever needed.

The Fayette County Public Library is located behind the Fayette County administrative complex in downtown Fayetteville, at the southwest corner of Highways 85 and 54.  For additional information, contact the library at 770-461-8841.