Local 4-H group competes


Fayette County 4-H members Isabella Ackerman, Emily Seckinger, Jacob Seckinger, Olivia Seckinger and Allison Spinney competed Nov. 5 in the state 4-H Area Cotton Boll Consumer Judging Contest.

The junior team made up of Isabella Ackerman, Emily Seckinger and Allison Spinney placed second. The team was coached by 4-H Program Assistant Sara Kahley with assistance from Youth Development Agent April McDaniel.

Prior to the competition, 4-H members attend practices and learn how to observe, compare and make decisions based on facts collected. It also provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions with oral reasons.

In this 2 part contest, 4-Hers learn to rank articles or products over others based on standards and quality, 4-Hers will evaluate consumer items and tell why they think one is better than the other.  4-Hers also promote cotton by presenting a public service announcement about cotton.

To learn more about this and other 4-H programs, contact the Fayette County UGA Cooperative Extension Office at 770-305-5412 or visit www.ugaextension.com/fayette/4h.