Coweta BOE adopts $166 million budget


The Coweta County Board of Education at a called meeting Tuesday adopted a $165.7 million operational budget for the FY 2011 term that begins July 1. The approval comes with no anticipated increase in the millage rate.

Along with the approval of the FY 2011 General Fund budget totaling $165,674,469, the board also approved a $23.83 million Special Revenue Fund, a $23.5 million Capital Projects Fund and a $13.7 million Debt Service budget.

School system spokesperson Dean Jackson said the Special Revenue Fund accounts for state and federal funding for special federal programs such as Title I and federal lunch programs along with the school system’s self-supporting school food services. The Capital Projects Fund is used for construction and other capital expenditures.

Those budgets, combined with the Operations Budget, total $226,773,867 for fiscal year 2011, Jackson said.

Within the General Fund budget, $111.8 million is allocated for instructional components such as classroom teachers’ salaries, teaching supplies and equipment, leave time, textbooks and remedial education. Another $14.5 million is allocated for Maintenance and Operation functions while $12.9 million goes to School Administration, $8.6 million to transportation services and $8.1 million to Pupil Services.

Jackson said the FY 2011 budget maintains the current property tax rates of 18.59 mills despite an anticipated 2.5 percent decrease in the local tax digest in the upcoming fiscal year.

Revenues for the $165.7 General Fund budget will include $71.65 million in local ad valorem taxes, $88.14 million in state funding, $2.47 million in federal funding and $3.4 million from other local sources.

The budget was tentatively approved on June 8.