County installs headphones for hearing-impaired


Fayette County installed Hamilton Wireless Listening Center headphones this month to assist hearing-impaired individuals actively participate in local meetings held in the Public Meeting Room at the Stonewall Complex.

The six multi-user wireless headphones will be available for use during all meetings taking place in the Public Meeting Room.

This addition was done in accordance with the American’s with Disabilities Act Title III, Subpart B 36.203, which states: “A public accommodation shall afford goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations to an individual with a disability in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the individual.”

“The Board of Commissioners meetings are designed to have the participation of Fayette County citizens and those interested in the business of the county,” said Board of Commissioners Chairman Charles Oddo. “The addition of wireless headphones to assist individuals with hearing impairments is another step in the right direction of doing what it takes to help keep all citizens involved in our local government.”

Individuals wishing to use the headphones during a meeting may notify the county clerk prior to the start of a commission meeting.