Hwy. 54E PTC annexation plan gets 1st hearing


The near-term future could bring another annexation into Peachtree City. The Peachtree City Planning Commission on April 13 in a non-voting workshop item heard an initial presentation on a proposed annexation and zoning request for the 28.3-acre Bradshaw tract on Sumner Road and Ga. Highway 54, just before the eastern entrance into Peachtree City

The first step of the annexation process was approved by the City Council in February.

The request by Bradshaw Family LLLP would have 28 acres between Ga. Highway 54 West and Sumner Road brought into the city and zoned for residential, office and retail use.

Project representative Jerry Peterson said the proposed development would include a commercial and office development on the westernmost portion of the property and the Parkrise Corners residential development on the east side of the 28-acre tract. The commercial portion of the development would front Hwy. 54 while the office space would be located behind it along Sumner Road. Access points would be on both Hwy. 54 and on the north side of Sumner Road in the area of the residential portion of the property.

Plans call for 24 single-family homes at build-out, each with a fair market value of $450,000-750,000 on lots of approximately 70 by 150 feet, 25,000 sq. ft. of retail and commercial space and 50,000 sq. ft. of office space.

As proposed, the plan calls for 8 acres of office space, 5 acres for commercial use and the remaining acreage for residential use and open space.

Peterson said there are a number of existing residents in the SmokeRise neighborhoods that are ready to move out of their large homes on large one- or two-acre lots and simplify their lives, but want very much to stay in the neighborhood.

The property is currently undeveloped and is zoned A-R Agricultural Reserve and designated as Low-density Residential on the Fayette County Future Land Use Map, according to city planning staff.

Senior Planner David Rast said that, to date, there has been no formal review of the annexation proposal. Rast suggested a consideration that would implement overlay district guidelines as well as looking at long-term plans for the area.

Several commissioners during the discussion cited concerns about the small properties immediately to the south of the Bradshaw tract that are not in the city. Among their concerns was that the properties would become unincorporated islands if the annexation was eventually approved.

The position on the islands was not correct since a very large area directly across Hwy. 54 is also in unincorporated Fayette County. Recent annexations and annexation requests are extending the city limits along the west side of Hwy. 54 while the east side remains in the unincorporated area as far to the south as Broken Bow Drive on the south side of the Peachtree East Shopping Center.

Commissioners agreed with Rast’s suggestion to study the issue in more detail, with Chairman Frank Destadio noting that a lot of work needs to be done, including having more meetings that include members of the community.

Though only a workshop setting, there were several neighbors who expressed concerns about the proposal. Chris Clark said the largest concern expressed by his neighbors dealt with the retail aspect of the proposal. He suggested that a study be conducted to determine the need for businesses such as a gas station, fast food outlets and convenience stores.

Also offering comments was former Mayor Don Haddix, who said this would be the third time the annexation has been presented. He said the small properties to the south do not want to be annexed. Haddix said he could support the proposal if it included only office space.

The second phase of the process, Step 2, requires additional and detailed information pertaining to the impact of the potential annexation.

Council’s final word on the annexation request will be considered after the Step 2 portion of the process is complete.