Northgate High evacuated after bomb threat


Update: Northgate High was given an all-clear after the bomb threat, with the first bus loads of staff and students returning to the school at 1 p.m.

Original story: Northgate High School in east Coweta County was evacuated Wednesday morning after the school received a bomb threat by email. Safety procedures were put in place to evacuate students and staff while law enforcement initiated a search of the large high school.

Coweta County School System spokesman Dean Jackson at the site said the school received an email bomb threat at 10:21 a.m. Safety procedures were put in place and the students and staff were evacuated to a safe place on campus, said Jackson.

Simultaneous with that action, law enforcement and safety personnel responded to the scene, Jackson said. As a further precaution and following established procedures, staff and students were evacuated to an off-campus location, Jackson said.

Law enforcement personnel were still on the site just after noon.

Parents with questions about the location of the off-campus safe-site can contact the school system at 770-254-2800.

Northgate has 1,850 students and 125 staff.