Hall of Fame inductee


Peachtree City’s Helen Davidson was honored by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at their Strong4Life Youth Ambassador Hall of Fame Awards.

Davidson was celebrated for a project she did at the Girl Scout’s Camp Loblolly (a day camp in Peachtree City) where she played off the camp’s ‘C.L.U.E.’ theme (Camp Loblolly Undercover Experience) to help the scouts become healthy agents.

Davidson was able to demonstrate healthy habits under the cover of fun, interactive lessons, demonstrations and games. As part of Children’s Youth Ambassador Program, the hospital trained 195 youth from metro Atlanta community organizations on the four Strong4Life healthy habits.

The youth ambassadors spent more than 400 hours on their projects and reached nearly 4,500 people in the community. 

At Camp Loblolly, Davidson taught a new healthy habit to the 150 campers over the course of four days, using different portions of what she learned through her Strong4Life training. 

She coordinated all the supplies she needed and secured all of the S4L patches that she awarded to the 150 campers. 

The Strong4Life Youth Ambassador Hall of Fame Awards celebrated the work of the local youth, like Davidson, who planned, coordinated and delivered projects to the local community that spread the Strong4Life message about nutrition, physical activity and healthy habits. 

The Strong4Life Youth Ambassador program brings together knowledge of Children’s clinical expertise, the strength behind Strong4Life’s proven program design and the human power within established youth organizations like the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, University of Georgia 4H of DeKalb and Rockdale counties, Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation, Washington High School with Giving Point, Camp Strong4Life Leaders-in-Training and Soccer in the Streets. 

WXIA/11Alive’s Donna Lowry (the state’s only education reporter) emceed the event, which took place at the Marriott Century Center.