Obama’s lies keep piling up: Count abortion untruths


This week I wanted to highlight just one example of Obama’s extreme mendacity and cynicism.

In 2009, amid concerns that the healthcare law as written would permit federal funds to be used to pay for abortion in violation of the Hyde Amendment, Obama went into full for finger-wagging mode and said: “And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”

To be clear, he was saying here that Obamacare would not allow federal funds to be used for abortion.

And yet, sometime later he nevertheless felt the need to sign an executive order that banned the same thing in order to obtain the votes of 11 pro-life Democrats led by Bart Stupak.

One wonders if thinking Obamacare might cause federal funds to support abortion was a “misunderstanding,” then why was the executive order necessary? The only plausible explanation, since Obama is far too smart not to understand his own law, is that he was lying.

But that’s just lie no. 1 … on this particular issue (do we need to be reminded of the promise to keep your doctor?).

That’s because a General Accounting Office report came out last week that said federal funds were indeed being used to fund abortion and that the procedures meant to prevent such an occurrence were nowhere to be found.

In other words, the Obama administration completely failed to follow through with its own promises on this issue per the clear language of the executive order and the supposed intent of Obamacare itself.

You can’t tell me this is an innocent mistake. Rather, it is lie no. 2 on this issue.

How many times must our president lie on a given issue before his supporters begin to exhibit some sort of concern about the rule of law, decency, truth, honor, etc.?

Or the press begins to hound him like they did Bush on every conceivable issue?

Of course, this lie is probably OK to his supporters because it was done in the service of abortion, which as far as I can tell is the closest thing to a sacrament the left has.

And perhaps it is this zeal to protect and defend the truly horrific slaughter of the most innocent (if you don’t believe me, look up how abortions are done and tell me it doesn’t turn your stomach) that compromises the moral integrity of the left and allows them and their president to not only tolerate lies, but actively use them to promote their cause.

Trey Hoffman
Peachtree City, Ga.