Employment improving in Fayette, Coweta


The unemployment rate in Fayette and Coweta counties took a turn for the better in August, with Fayette’s jobless rate falling nearly half a point to 7.3 percent and Coweta’s rate dropping nearly three-quarters of a point to 7.7 percent.

The jobless rate in Fayette in August was 7.3 percent, down from 7.7 percent in July and down from 8 percent a year ago. There are 53,614 people in Fayette County’s workforce and in July, 3,929 of those were without work, according to the Ga. Dept. of Labor.

Peachtree City experienced a slight decline in unemployment in August. The 6.5 percent figure in July improved to 6.4 percent in August. The jobless rate in Peachtree City was 7.1 percent a year ago.
The situation in Coweta County was much improved in August compared to just a month earlier. Coweta’s August unemployment rate was 7.7 percent. That compared to a rate of 8.4 percent in July and 8.8 percent in August 2012. Coweta has a workforce of 64,266 of which 5,610 were jobless in August.

Tracking unemployment across a broader scale, the 10-county Atlanta Regional Commission area, of which Fayette County is a part, had an August unemployment rate of 8 percent. That was a marked improvement from the 8.5 percent rate in July and the 9 percent rate in July 2012.

The 10-county Three Rivers Commission area that includes Coweta County saw a dramatic improvement in August. The jobless rate in July was a staggering 11.1 percent, but figures in August showed unemployment at 9.1 percent. The Three Rivers rate in July 2012 was 10 percent.

Unemployment across Georgia also improved significantly in August. The July rate that totaled 9.1 percent dropped to 8.3 percent in August. Georgia’s jobless rate in July 2012 stood at 9 percent.