Mike King announces for Post 2


In announcing my candidacy for Post 2, Peachtree City Council, I pledge to do my utmost to restore the dignity of the office and the thoughtful consideration of views opposite my own.

In a democracy such as ours, each of us has a voice, but we all must support the decisions of our institution.

Being but one of five voices, I realize that my priorities for our city must be placed in context with those of the four other members of council, as each of us will have been elected on individual merits.

As such, my three primary goals for these two years are as follows:

• Seek and obtain approval to change the election of all council members to even numbered years so as to insure a greater voter turnout and, in effect, have city officials elected by a greater majority of its citizens.

• Enact a zero-based budgeting process whereby council determines the revenue ceiling and city department heads and city departments are tasked to live within the means provided.

• Establish the office of public safety director encompassing both police and fire [departments].

Together we can make a difference.

Thank you.

Michael L. King
Mike King for Council
Peachtree City, Ga.

[Editor’s note: King is running for what will be an open seat to be filled in a special election in November. Current Post 2 Councilman George Dienhart is resigning by the end of August to run for mayor. The winner of the special election for Post 2 will serve out the remaining two years of Dienhart’s term.]