Physician offers several back to school health tips


Preparing your child for another school year requires more than buying school supplies and new clothes. “Be sure to consider your child’s health needs too,” says Dr. Davidson Freeman of Children’s Hospital of Georgia.

“No matter what grade your child is entering, routine physical examinations, including hearing and vision tests, help ensure that your child is truly ready for school,” says Freeman, a pediatrician for more than 25 years.

Here are eight important back-to-school health checks for children:
• Have child’s hearing checked. Most states mandate hearing tests for babies and toddlers, but school-age children may not be routinely tested.
Clues to hearing loss include listening to the television or music at a very high volume or favoring one ear over the other.If indicated, your pediatrician can recommend an audiologist for an in-depth evaluation.

• Have child’s vision screened. An annual screening is vital to ensure that children can see well enough for schoolwork.
A vision problem can likely be corrected, preventing children from falling behind in school. Be sure that glasses or contact lenses are in good condition and that your child’s prescription is current.

• Keep shots current. Immunizations are necessary to prevent infectious diseases.
Your child will not be allowed to attend school without the required immunizations.
Vaccines or booster doses for older children that were not required when parents were younger may be needed. To be sure, ask your pediatrician.

• Assess learning problems. If you suspect that your child is developmentally delayed, including not processing information correctly, speak to a teacher or contact a learning center for advice.
A diagnosis usually requires one to two days of professional testing. The sooner you discover a disability, the sooner your child can be taught how to compensate.

• Inventory child’s mental health. What’s your child’s behavior like? Are his reactions appropriate in most situations? Is he anxious or apprehensive about school?
Children typically need about a month to adjust to change, but factors such as a new school, class bully or new transportation routine may cause ongoing anxiety.
If your child seems anxious or unsteady, talk to your pediatrician or a counselor who can help you identify the source of the behavior and work out a solution.

• Plan ahead on medications. If your child takes medication for asthma, diabetes or any other chronic problem, make sure you have plenty on hand for home and school.
Inform school nurses and teachers of your child’s needs, especially if a school employee will administer medicine. Speak with staff members before school begins and work out a course of action for emergencies.

• Watch for sleep problems. Is your child having trouble sleeping? Issues such as sleepwalking, insomnia and nightmares can impede school performance. Begin a routine sleep schedule about a month before school begins; the body needs more than just a couple of days to adjust to factors such as earlier bedtimes and fewer hours of daylight.
If problems are severe, your pediatrician may recommend a sleep specialist.

• Equip your young athlete. Provide all necessary protective equipment for children involved in sports. Children with braces and/or glasses require extra protective measures, even for gym class. Invest in sports frames for the eyes and a mouthpiece to protect dental work.