Judy Massey authors book on dealing with sex trafficking


Dr. Judy Massey has authored a manual, “Prayer Panels — A Strategic Prayer Guide to Combat Human Sex Trafficking.”

Massey, a commissioned minister in the Charismatic Episcopal Church, also serves as the prayer coordinator for Wellspring Living, a Georgia based organization that combats sex trafficking and sexual abuse.

The book includes sections on the sex trafficking industry, the church, government leaders, victims and survivors of sex trafficking, and intercession. The book also includes a section on those who would serve as coaches, counselors, and volunteers in the fight against sex trafficking.

Massey received a bachelor of science in education from Carson Newman College, a master of science from Georgia State University, and a doctor of ministry from Regent University in global evangelization leadership.

In the past she coordinated prayer efforts for the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Venue Sites, and was involved with the Healing America’s Wounds National Conference, and the Gender Reconciliation Conference.

She was the Aglow International Georgia state prayer coordinator and the southeast regional Islamic director.

Currently, she serves as director of ministry development of commissioned ministers and laity in the Mid South Diocese, Charismatic Episcopal Church.

She is married to the Rev. Canon Paul Massey, vicar of Church of the Holy Cross, Fayetteville. She may be contacted at [email protected].