With Common Core, kids’ educational freedom is at stake


Have you heard of Common Core? In a nutshell, Obama’s plan to takeover all education, just like Obamacare has taken over healthcare.

Your child will not be taught critical thinking, history rewritten. Teachers will be teaching to the test. It is the dumbing down of your child’s education. You will have no say in the matter. You do have a say with the state of Georgia. Gov. Deal can get rid of Common Core with a stroke of a pen. Senator Ligon will be introducing legislation to rescind Common Core.

Common Core is a federal takeover of our local and state control of our education system and it’s against the law! The federal government is not allowed to set any educational curriculum standards. This is a states rights issue. This will not only apply to all public schools, Christian, charter, private and homeschoolers. No one is safe, not even colleges.

Common Core will track your child’s behavior, ask questions via worksheets on the computer about your family, ask personal private questions as a “homework” assignment. Track your child’s expression while taking a test on computers. All this will be available and for sale to corporations or “stakeholders” as they call it. Bill Gates has funded and wrote the standards.

Infinite Campus is a tool already implemented to track your child. Fayette County Board Of Education could use Infinite Campus to email all parents about the meeting considering the short notice!

Governor Deal has the power of the stroke of the pen to get rid of Common Core. The state has been hoodwinked, thinking this was a good idea without investigating the facts. Texas and Alaska have rejected Common Core. Other states are beginning to see that they too would like to rescind Common Core and are in the process of rejection.

Dr. Barge (Ga. State Superintendent) will be at Fayette County explaining Common Core. I accessed Fayette County Board of Education website, no meeting announcement. They will say, “We had a meeting and no one objected to Common Core.”

There will be a forum on Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) on Monday, June 10, 7 to 8:30 p.m., at Sam’s Auditorium, 205 Lafayette Ave (Tiger Trail), Fayetteville, GA 30214.

Find out more here: www.StopCommonCore.com.

Candice Serafin

Peachtree City, Ga.