Scouts to honor Westmoreland at annual fundraising dinner


On Thursday, Phil Smelley of The Complete Insurance Source will host a dinner to raise support for the Boy Scouts of America. Phil was particularly interested in sponsoring the 3rd Annual Golden Eagle Dinner because this year’s event honors, his dear friend Lynn Westmoreland.

“The Boy Scouts program prepares young men to become leaders,” Smelley said. “Lynn Westmoreland has been a leader in this community for decades and recognizes the need for principled, responsible leadership in business and in politics. Congressman Westmoreland is a local businessman who has fought hard to become a leader in Congress and instilling scout-like discipline and business principles into our state and national government. He is always prepared to do his best to serve God and his country.”
Westmoreland believes in being a strong role model for our youth.

The entire event has much deeper meaning for the Boy Scouts of America, Flint River Council, and the community it serves.

The Golden Eagle Dinner is the largest fundraiser to support the work of the Boy Scouts in Fayette County. In 2012, 89 local scouts earned the highest rank possible in scouting: the rank of Eagle Scout, according to Cindy Schuchardt, Fayette District Executive for the Boy Scouts. Each one of those Eagle Scouts completed an extensive community service project, varying from community gardens to hiking trails to building items needed at a church.

Scouts also recently collected 32,000 items of food for the Real Life Center and the Fayette Samaritans food banks to serve the hurting, the elderly and those who struggle financially in Fayette County.

“We are honoring Mr. Westmoreland because of his similar values with Scouting and his work ethic,” Schuchardt said.

Schuchardt and Smelley are united in generating support so the Boy Scouts can continue their local youth and programming activities like the Pinewood Derby, Scouting for Food and camping events. Last year the dinner raised $92,000, but additional donations came in bringing the total to $105,000.

The Golden Eagle Dinner will be held April 4 at Glendalough Manor in Tyrone, and begins with a reception at 6 p.m. Platinum level sponsorships are $2,500, gold are $1,500, and silver are $1,000. Each sponsorship includes seats at the dinner.

For more information about sponsoring the Golden Eagle Dinner, joining Fayette County Scouting, or giving to the Boy Scouts, contact Cindy Schuchardt, [email protected], call 678-572-8547, or send a donation to Attn: Cindy Schuchardt, Boy Scouts of America, P.O. Box 173, Griffin, Ga. 30224.

“Scouting continues to thrive due to friends like you who provide the funds to support our mission: to instill values in young people,” said Schuchardt.