Local pastor opens Senate session


Senator Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale) and Lt. Governor Casey Cagle welcomed Pastor Randy Wood of Liberty Baptist Church in Fayetteville to serve as the Chaplain of the Day on Monday, Jan. 28 in the Georgia State Senate.

“In their youth, my two children went to Liberty Baptist Church for Sunday School,” said Seay. “My children were always learning there, and what they learned there helped ground them in their faith. The State Senate was blessed by Pastor Wood’s message this morning.”

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle added “It was an honor to welcome Pastor Wood to the Senate. The tradition of the Senate to begin each day with a devotional and prayer allows us to set our mind and heart in the right direction as we make important policy decisions. As we face daunting challenges during this session, I’m confident that the Senate will answer the call to serve. On Monday, Pastor Wood encouraged Senators and inspired each of us to lead our state in the right direction.”

Wood joined the staff of Liberty Baptist Church as its senior pastor in 2004. His previous positions included directorships at the North American Mission Board as well as pastoral positions in Ohio.