Economist speaks to Midwest Georgia Home Builders March 18


The Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia is excited to announce its upcoming presentation by Dr. Elliot Eisenberg, Senior Economist, National Association of Home Builders. Dr. Eisenberg will be traveling to Georgia to present the findings of his study, “The Economic Impact of Housing in Mid-west Georgia”.

The results of the study will focus on the income, jobs and taxes produced by the home building industry in the HBA of Midwest Georgia jurisdiction – Butts, Coweta, Fayette, Heard, Jasper, Lamar, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding and Upson counties.

Home building generates substantial local economic activity, including new income and jobs for residents, and additional revenue for local governments. Dr. Eisenberg’s report captures the effect of the construction activity itself, the ripple impact that occurs when income earned from construction activity is spent and recycles in the local economy, and the ongoing impact that results from new homes becoming occupied by residents who pay taxes and buy locally produced goods and services.

This study, commissioned by the Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia, has been successfully applied to construction in over 500 projects, local jurisdictions, metropolitan areas, non-metropolitan counties, and states across the country.

The presentation will be held Thursday March 18, 2010 at the Coweta County Fairgrounds at 11:30 and is open to the public. Cost is $15.00, which includes lunch.

For reservations please call the HBA office at 770-716-7109. Dr. Eisenberg and HBA representatives will be available for media inquiries immediately after the presentation.

Dan Petry is a third generation builder and owner of Trademark Builders, building in Fayette and Coweta Counties since 1996. Dan has been the President of The Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia since September 2008. The Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia was established in 1974 when a small group of builders came together with a vision to organize and better represent the housing industry on issues that affect our ability to provide affordable housing for all citizens in Butts, Coweta, Fayette, Heard, Jasper, Lamar, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding and Upson Counties. For more information, please visit or contact Executive Officer Sandy Boda at 770-716-7109.