Bible not guide for democratic governments


I want to add a couple of things in support of Ralph Trapaga’s excellent letter pointing out the heart and generosity of the Christian population.

Mr. Trapaga was responding to a typical liberal attack that essentially accused conservatives of being horrible people who hate the poor, and are being disobedient to Christ, when we oppose programs that benefit the poor, specifically Obamacare.

First, the Bible is not, and never has been, a handbook for democratic governments; it is a handbook for individuals.

For example, when Jesus said to turn the other cheek, it was never meant to be a government directive against protecting its citizens from aggression.

Because Jesus gave us no instructions on government policies, being for or against one has nothing to do with obedience to him or his teachings.

Secondly, Jesus has no interest in forced compliance with any of his teachings; he is interested in our individual actions and the condition of our individual hearts.

With that in mind let’s take another look at this topic. While our president and vice-president are notoriously generous with money they have taken from others, consider their generosity with their own money.

Prior to the president’s first campaign for president, his typical annual charitable contributions was in the 1 percent to 2 percent range, the vice-president’s much less than that.

How easy it is to be generous with other people’s money, especially when you have the power to force their contributions. Contrast this policy of forced compliance with the typical donations of Christians who generously volunteer their money, their time and the work of their hands.

Make the case for unlimited governmental power if you wish, I just ask you to not misrepresent the teachings of my Savior when you do so.

Pepper Adams

Peachtree City, Ga.